Whether you are interested in making a one off or regular donation to Perth Autism Support SCIO or would like to take part in a personal challenge or sporting event for us, there are many ways you can support us, click below for more details and how we can support you!
We are always looking to engage with local businesses and employers.
By appointing us as your Charity of the Year; having one of our collection tins on your front desk; or organising a fundraising event in aid of Perth Autism Support, we would love to hear from you.
Fundraising can be an amazing team building endeavour and help towards your corporate social responsibility policy. For more information on fundraising as a business, please click here.
If you are a member of a club, group, church, PTA or sports team, then please think about Perth Autism Support when organising your calendar of events.
We are here to support you whether you would like to organise a small bake sale, a 300 person masked ball and everything in between.
Contact us on fundraising@perthautismsupport.org.uk for support or check out the fundraising ideas in the resources section below.
We have plenty of ways for your school to get involved with Perth Autism Support such as dress down days, the Youth Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) or making us your Charity of the Year.
Check out the fundraising ideas in the resources below for some ideas or if you would like to speak to the team for more help with your YPI presentation, get in touch with us at fundraising@perthautismsupport.org.uk or complete the contact form below.
If none of the other fundraising options are for you, then how about donating your time?
PAS is always looking for volunteers to help with our fundraising and this can be on a regular basis or just once or twice a year. Whatever suits you best.
For more information on fundraising volunteers, please click here.
Get in touch directly with fundraising at Perth Autism Support by filling out the contact form on the right.
01738 451 081
Whether you are an individual fundraiser, a corporate organisation, school or community group you can get in touch with us at Perth Autism Support by filling out the contact form on the right.
01738 451 081